Vegetable garden ideas: 7 ways to take advantage of all the space in your yard to grow food

roof top planter

You probably think that in order to have a garden you need to have a large flat piece of land with the ideal amount of sun, perfect soil, a rototiller, and any number of tools and amendments. Well…you don’t.

If you have even the smallest yard, you can grow food. If you have some containers, boxes, or anything that will hold soil, you can grow food. And you don’t need any special equipment. Continue reading “Vegetable garden ideas: 7 ways to take advantage of all the space in your yard to grow food”

Vegetable container gardening ideas

container gardening

Sometimes there just isn’t any room to grow an in-ground garden. You might be living in an apartment, or renting where you can’t build a garden. But you can have a garden if you have space to put on some pots in a sunny area.

Container gardening is like using raised beds – they’re just very small raised beds. You can grow just about anything in a pot, but there are a few things to consider. Continue reading “Vegetable container gardening ideas”

How small garden designs can produce big garden harvests

small garden designs can produce big harvests

Even if you only have a small yard, you can harvest a relatively large amount of food. Small garden designs that focus on interplanting, succession planting, overwintering, and closer spacing can take a small garden space to the next level – plus a couple of bonus tips. It just takes a little bit of know-how, observation, and planning ahead. Continue reading “How small garden designs can produce big garden harvests”

How to design a small garden, permaculture style: The Herb Spiral

small garden permaculture herb spiral

I think the most beautiful thing you can grow in your yard is a vegetable garden. Some people prefer well-behaved roses or hydrangea, or neatly clipped hedges, but that’s not for me. A vegetable garden can be as beautiful as the fanciest of landscape designs. And, it has the added benefit of actually being useful. Imagine that. Continue reading “How to design a small garden, permaculture style: The Herb Spiral”