What is a swale? An introduction to permaculture water harvesting swales

You won’t spend too much time in the company of permaculturists before you hear the word ‘swale’. It is a permaculture mainstay for some, and a point of contention for others.

For me, a swale is another useful tool in the permaculture tool box. So what is a swale? Read on, and I’ll give you a little introduction. Continue reading “What is a swale? An introduction to permaculture water harvesting swales”

Self-sufficiency skills list: 11 basic life skills you need to survive

Most people think of life skills as learning to do your taxes, boil an egg, or change a tire. While these things can come in handy, if you’re into that sort of thing, my idea of life skills is a little different. This self-sufficiency skills list contains just the very basic things that a person needs to live. Continue reading “Self-sufficiency skills list: 11 basic life skills you need to survive”

What is a permaculture food forest, and how do I get one?

Sketch of a food forest

A food forest is the Holy Grail of permaculture. It’s what so many of us aspire to when we think of the ultimate home food system. It is a system that not only feeds humans and animals, but it can provide for other needs as well, such as crafting and building. It is a stable and long-term system that provides a wide variety of foods, with a minimum of input. Continue reading “What is a permaculture food forest, and how do I get one?”