Summer Solstice 2020: Garden Update

tomatoes and nasturtiums on the shop roof.

What a wet and dreary June it has been so far. We have had some lovely days, but all in all, it’s been pretty grey and somewhat drizzly. And it’s the Summer Solstice, too!

It was drizzly this morning; but there was a little window in there without rain, so I went out and took photos of the garden, and other growing areas we have happening. And there is a lot happening! Continue reading “Summer Solstice 2020: Garden Update”

Introducing my permaculture vegetable garden 2020

natural pest management for the garden
Black Turtle Bean flower in the permaculture garden
Black Turtle beans grew wonderfully in the 2019 garden. I just love their tiny purple flowers.

The permaculture vegetable garden I currently have is a much smaller endeavor than the first one I built. And while the first garden had plenty of sun, this garden has a lot of shade. The half-acre property where I live is surrounded by very tall trees, and a hill to the south, with a house on it; and there was really only one place that made sense to put the garden. Continue reading “Introducing my permaculture vegetable garden 2020”