What is a swale? An introduction to permaculture water harvesting swales

You won’t spend too much time in the company of permaculturists before you hear the word ‘swale’. It is a permaculture mainstay for some, and a point of contention for others.

For me, a swale is another useful tool in the permaculture tool box. So what is a swale? Read on, and I’ll give you a little introduction. Continue reading “What is a swale? An introduction to permaculture water harvesting swales”

Self-sufficiency skills list: 11 basic life skills you need to survive

Most people think of life skills as learning to do your taxes, boil an egg, or change a tire. While these things can come in handy, if you’re into that sort of thing, my idea of life skills is a little different. This self-sufficiency skills list contains just the very basic things that a person needs to live. Continue reading “Self-sufficiency skills list: 11 basic life skills you need to survive”

What is a permaculture food forest, and how do I get one?

Sketch of a food forest

A food forest is the Holy Grail of permaculture. It’s what so many of us aspire to when we think of the ultimate home food system. It is a system that not only feeds humans and animals, but it can provide for other needs as well, such as crafting and building. It is a stable and long-term system that provides a wide variety of foods, with a minimum of input. Continue reading “What is a permaculture food forest, and how do I get one?”

Introducing some concepts, techniques and strategies from the permaculture tool box

permaculture tool box

Permaculture is like a vast tool box. The biggest tool box you can imagine. And within that tool box are many drawers, filled with many tools.

Each of the drawers of the permaculture tool box is a concept, and within that drawer are all the different techniques and strategies that someone can use to express and implement that concept. Continue reading “Introducing some concepts, techniques and strategies from the permaculture tool box”