Summer Solstice 2020: Garden Update

tomatoes and nasturtiums on the shop roof.

What a wet and dreary June it has been so far. We have had some lovely days, but all in all, it’s been pretty grey and somewhat drizzly. And it’s the Summer Solstice, too!

It was drizzly this morning; but there was a little window in there without rain, so I went out and took photos of the garden, and other growing areas we have happening. And there is a lot happening! Continue reading “Summer Solstice 2020: Garden Update”

Natural pest control in the vegetable garden: Integrated Pest Management

Natural Pest Control in the Garden

If you are growing a food garden, and possibly feeding your family from it, the last thing you want to do is douse it in poison, right?

Well, if you use chemical pesticides, herbicides, and even some fertilizers, that’s exactly what you’re doing. And when you buy fruit and vegetables at the grocery store, it’s likely that it has been sprayed as well. Nasty. Continue reading “Natural pest control in the vegetable garden: Integrated Pest Management”

What is a swale? An introduction to permaculture water harvesting swales

You won’t spend too much time in the company of permaculturists before you hear the word ‘swale’. It is a permaculture mainstay for some, and a point of contention for others.

For me, a swale is another useful tool in the permaculture tool box. So what is a swale? Read on, and I’ll give you a little introduction. Continue reading “What is a swale? An introduction to permaculture water harvesting swales”

Self-sufficiency skills list: 11 basic life skills you need to survive

Most people think of life skills as learning to do your taxes, boil an egg, or change a tire. While these things can come in handy, if you’re into that sort of thing, my idea of life skills is a little different. This self-sufficiency skills list contains just the very basic things that a person needs to live. Continue reading “Self-sufficiency skills list: 11 basic life skills you need to survive”